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What are the ways in which the program actions ҹվs commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI), decolonization and Indigenization? 2.2 LEARNING OUTCOMES NOTE: The Quality Assurance Framework requires a clear distinction between program objectives, program-level learning outcomes, and  HYPERLINK "https://oucqa.ca/framework/definitions/" Degree Level Expectations. Please see the Guidance on  HYPERLINK "https://oucqa.ca/guide/program-objectives-and-program-level-learning-outcomes/" Program Objectives and Program-level Learning Outcomes for details on the distinction. Are the Learning Outcomes for the entire program clearly mapped out? Are the programs requirements clear and appropriate in addressing the institutions Graduate Degree Level Expectations? Are the Learning Outcomes written in such a format as to be both observable and measureable? Are this programs Learning Outcomes consistent with the institutions mission and academic plans? 2.3 COMPETENCE OF THE FACULTY Include members of collateral units associated with the program In the conduct of research The advancement and dissemination of knowledge The supervision of graduate students and graduate instruction 2.4 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appropriateness of the programs admission requirements for the Learning Outcomes established for completion of the program. The quality of entering students Sufficient explanation of alternative requirements, if any, for admission into a graduate program, additional languages or portfolios, along with how the program recognizes prior work or learning experience. Projected enrolments (admission standards and procedures should ensure that the students have the capacity and the preparation to meet the challenge of the program effectively) 2.5 STRUCTURE Appropriateness of the program's structure and regulations to meet specified program Learning Outcomes and Graduate Degree Level Expectations. A clear rationale for program length that ensures that the program requirements can be reasonably completed within the proposed time period. 2.6 CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS & PROGRAM CONTENT Ways in which the curriculum addresses the current state of the discipline or area of study. Ways in which the specified courses and research requirements map into the programmatic Learning Outcomes Identification of any unique curriculum or program innovations or creative components. For research-focused graduate programs, clear indication of the nature and suitability of the major research requirements for degree completion. Evidence that each graduate student in the program is required to take a minimum of two-thirds of the course requirements from among graduate level courses. 2.7 MODE OF DELIVERY Comment on the appropriateness of the mode of delivery to meet the intended program Learning Outcomes and Degree Level Expectations. 2.8 ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING & LEARNING NOTE: In this section, the Self-study should again make a clear distinction between program-level learning outcomes, program objectives, and Degree Level Expectations. Additionally, programs should ensure that the plans for monitoring and assessing student achievement provide an assessment of students currently enrolled as well as post-graduation metrics. Please see  HYPERLINK "https://oucqa.ca/guide/assessment-of-teaching-and-learning-2-1-4-1-and-5-1-3-1-4/" Guidance on Assessment of Teaching and Learning for further details and examples of measures for assessing teaching and learning that meet the requirements of the Quality Assurance Framework. Appropriateness of the proposed methods for the assessment of student achievement of the intended program learning outcomes and Degree Level Expectations. Completeness of plans for documenting and demonstrating the level of performance of students, consistent with the institutions statement of its Degree Level Expectations. 2.8 RESOURCES FOR THE PROGRAM Adequacy of the administrative units planned utilization of existing human, physical and financial resources, and any institutional commitment to supplement those resources, to support the program. Participation of a sufficient number and quality of faculty who are competent to teach and/or supervise in the program. Evidence that there are adequate resources to sustain the quality of scholarship and research activities, including library support, information technology support, and laboratory access. Evidence that faculty have the recent research or professional/clinical expertise needed to sustain the program, promote innovation and foster an appropriate intellectual climate. Where appropriate to the program, evidence of appropriate financial support for students. Evidence of how supervisory loads are distributed, and the qualifications and appointment status of faculty who provide instruction and supervision. 2.9 QUALITY & OTHER INDICATORS Evidence of quality of the faculty (e.g., qualifications, research, innovation and scholarly record; appropriateness of collective faculty expertise to contribute substantively to the proposed program). Evidence of a program structure and faculty research that will ensure the intellectual quality of the student experience. For research programs: the quality of student research as demonstrated by an evaluation of a selection of completed theses and, where relevant, published work; For non-thesis programs: the appropriateness of the elements designed to teach and test the acquisition of scholarly/interpretive skills. 2.10 NORMAL PROGRESS OF STUDENTS THROUGH THE PROGRAM Comment on the average times to completion Number of withdrawals OTHER ISSUES SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS brief summary of the review; comments on any innovative aspects of the proposed program; numbered recommendations that are clear, concise and actionable. Include specific steps to be taken on any essential or desirable modifications to the proposed program. Recommendation 1: Recommendation 2: Recommendation 3: (insert more as required) NOTE: The responsibility for arriving at a recommendation on the final classification of the program rests with the University and the Quality Council. However, recommendations to improve the program are appreciated. NOTE: Reviewers are urged to avoid using references to individuals. Rather, they are asked to assess the ability of the faculty as a whole to deliver the program and to comment on the appropriateness of each of the areas of the program (fields) that the university has chosen to emphasize, in view of the expertise and scholarly productivity of the faculty. $&48\^`pr ( * , . 0 2 4 6 8 : < j 5 6 7 Ǻzmzmzzh~ dh~ dOJQJ^Jh~ dh~ dOJQJ^Jh}h%5OJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJh}hvOOJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJ^Jh}hJjOJQJ^J&h}h%5;CJOJQJ^JaJ h-5;CJOJQJ^JaJ&h}hvO5;CJOJQJ^JaJ*8^`r ( vXkd$$IfTl0H . th%644 la ytVT d$Ifgd}dgd} $da$gd} & F dgd} ( * , . 0 2 4 CXkd$$IfTl0H . th%644 la ytVT d$Ifgd}XkdK$$IfTl0H . th%644 la ytVT4 6 8 : < j C4 & Fhd^hgd}Xkd,$$IfTl0H . th%644 la ytVT d$Ifgd}Xkd$$IfTl0H . th%644 la ytVTj 7 L k  -   2 ! & F 8d^8gd} $^a$gd *\ hd^hgd~ d & Fhd^hgd}dgd} & Fd^gd} hd^hgd}7 9 J K L a i j k  , -       1 󲲤rgU#h}hvn5OJQJ^JmH sH h~ d5OJQJ^Jh~ dh *\OJQJ\^Jh *\OJQJ\^Jh *\h *\OJQJ\^Jh~ dOJQJ\^Jh~ dh~ dOJQJ\^Jh~ dh~ d5OJQJ^Jh}h%6OJQJ^Jh}hvnOJQJ^Jh}h%5OJQJ^Jh}OJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJ^J1 2    $ % !'XѴѴ|||j]j|||j]Ph}h%OJQJ^Jh}hvnOJQJ^J#h}hvn5OJQJ^JmH sH  h}hvnOJQJ^JmH sH #h}h *\5OJQJ^JmH sH (jh:a5h *\0J6OJQJU^Jh:a5h *\0J6OJQJ^Jh:a5h *\OJQJ^J!jh:a5h *\OJQJU^Jh:a5h *\6OJQJ^Jhvn5OJQJ^JmH sH XYZ[]^_`z{BCDEGHI`ƻƭwjYH:HYh *\CJOJQJ^JaJ h}h}CJOJQJ^JaJ h}hvnCJOJQJ^JaJh}h *\OJQJ^Jh}OJQJ^Jh}h}OJQJ^Jh}h}OJQJ^J#h}h}5OJQJ^JmH sH h}h}5OJQJ^Jh~ d5OJQJ^Jh}hvn5OJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJ^J#h}h%5OJQJ^JmH sH h}hvnOJQJ^JZ[{CDa & F h d^` gd} & F d^`gd} & Fdgd}$ 09hd7$8$H$]9^ha$gd} hd^hgd} & F 8d^8gd}`aXYb  8˴}h}CJOJQJ^JaJh}OJQJ^J h}hvnCJOJQJ^JaJh *\CJOJQJ^JaJh}h.lOJQJ^Jh~ dOJQJ^Jh}h.lOJQJ^Jh/[vOJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJ^J h}h%CJOJQJ^JaJ/9)*? & Fdgd} & F h d^` gd} & F d^`gd)9 hd^hgd} & F h d^` gd} & F d^`gdfI89)*,-.>?emtz{Ҙ{v{{v{v{v{lh Bh~ d6^J h~ d6h Cfh~ d6 h~ d6^Jh%CJOJQJ^JaJh}OJQJ^J h}hvnCJOJQJ^JaJh *\CJOJQJ^JaJ h}h%CJOJQJ^JaJh}h%OJQJ^Jh}h/[vOJQJ^Jh/[vOJQJ^Jh%OJQJ^J*^_>A?B(?Blȿud h}hvnCJOJQJ^JaJh)9CJOJQJ^JaJ h}h%CJOJQJ^JaJh}h~ dOJQJ^Jh%OJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJ^J h~ dh~ dhqh~ d^J h~ d6h~h~ d6jh~ d0J6Uh{h~ d0J6h~ djh~ dUh Cfh~ d6 (~~ & F h d^` gd} & F  d^` gd} & F d^`gd)9 hd^hgd} d^gd~ d & F h d^` gd}gd~ d^gd~ d lm?B?B?Bu 㸪tf\Lh/[vh.l5>*OJQJ^Jh.lOJQJ^Jh}h%6OJQJ^J&h}h%56CJOJQJ^JaJ h}hvnCJOJQJ^JaJ h}h%CJOJQJ^JaJhfICJOJQJ^JaJ h}hvOCJOJQJ^JaJh}h}OJQJ^Jh}hvOOJQJ^Jh}h%OJQJ^Jh}h%56OJQJ^Ju !!R!}!!!!!!ydgd} & Fhd^hgd} d^gd} & Fdgd} hd^hgd} & F  d^` gd/[v & F  d^` gd} & F d^`gdfI d^gd}  ? 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